These people devote hours every week to clipping coupons, searching the internet, scanning ads, dumpster diving to retrieve thrown out circulars, or keeping their vast pantries organized.
I'm all about a good deal, BUT I just could not see myself hopping in a dumpster looking through old newspapers. That is pure dedication. Some of these people spend 40+ hours every week searching for deals.
Stacks upon stacks of coupons.
A trailer on a Prius to haul away hundreds of boxes of cereal? That's some serious dedication to couponing.
If I were ever to be trapped inside by a natural disaster, I want to be at this person's house. You could be stuck for weeks and never run out of food!
To be perfectly honest, this show freaks me out a little. I can't quite put my finger on why. Although, I'm sure D would appreciate if I clipped a few coupons to save some dollars. But seriously, go check this show out!
Let's get to cutting